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Tuesday, April 28, 2015


In this ever-growing world of knowledge and learning, it is very important to coop with the latest trends and techniques. Each day, something new is discovered which is making human life easier than ever. All thanks to research and innovation for making this world a better place to live. Pakistan is striving hard to coop with the latest research trends and researchers in Pakistan are working hard to make their mark in the field of research and innovation. Lahore Leads University has also taken this initiative of promoting research culture and for this purpose, ORIC has been established. One of the major aims of ORIC is to encourage faculty members and students of the university to engage in research activities. For this purpose, a lot of opportunities will be created, which will help both faculty members and students to learn from the experience of Professionals from leading industry giants. ORIC is also committed to reduce the gap between industry and academia by improving the research standards and brushing up the skills of university human resource. By aiming at high goals and taking the right direction, we are committed to provide excellence.
Leads University

Monday, April 27, 2015

Welcome To English Department  

Department of English-Linguistics and Literature was set up in 2011, the year when the university obtained its charter from Government of the Punjab and recognition by the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan, Islamabad. Ever since its genesis, the department has been vibrant in all its academic activities. In view of the challenges of the new millennium, nationally as well as internationally, the department has offered a wide array of programs at graduate and post-graduate levels including M Phil-Linguistics and MPhil-Literature. In order to groom students holistically in various aspects of education-- critical, creative and research-- the department has organized Leads Literary Circle which is run by students themselves, of course, under the guidance of faculty members.
Lahore Leads University

The circle as such holds its meetings frequently to facilitate the members in writing research papers, and to apprise them of national and international academic events. The department is going to contribute maximum in the Journalof Humanities and Social Sciences which is to be launched by the university very soon. The faculty at the department, permanent as well as visiting, is an excellent blend of experience and youth with specialists in Linguistics as wellas Literature. Through its Language Center caters to the field-specific needs of the students at Undergraduate level. Moreover, the department keeps itself abreast of cultural, educational, academic, pedagogical and pragmatic needs through its variety of programs by keeping itself positively in line with the HEC policies. Being alive to the needs of the overseas students, the department also offers M Phil -Linguistics and M Phil-Literature for the potential candidates.

Lahore Lahore Leads University

 On the incessant requests of public, the department is planning to launch PhD programmes in English Linguistics and Literature separately along with MA -ELT (Evening Programme).

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Welcome to Leads Business School

The LBS endeavors to assimilate, create, disseminate knowledge, which will reflect in the contributions that LBS graduates will make to create, sustain and project our nation through economic, ethical, caring and work oriented behaviors without prejudice to gender, social class, religion and caste using merit, equity and justice as their grounding principles. We as abusiness education institute aim to become one of the leading institute in the South Asian region. We will achieve our goals by actualizing strategic partnership with stakeholders including students their parents.

Lahore Leads University

Leads Business School caters to the needs of professionals from various walks of life ,by offering an array of evening and executive programmes. These programmes facilitate working individuals to achieve their career goals with the the flexibility of evening classes.For detailed information about executive/professional proggrammes please follow the link of Programmes on top of the page Or simply Contact Us via email or phone..
Lahore Leads University

Monday, April 20, 2015

 Lahore Leads University Computer science 

The Faculty of Computer Science endeavors to produce competent practitioners who can play a productive role in industry, academia and research. The faculty uses modern technologies to enhance the learning capabilities of the students and to provide them with a stimulating and challenging environment. Emphasis is put on the practical applications of engineering and computer science to meet the software and hardware needs of the global industry in general and Pakistani industry in particular.
Lahore Leads university

Leads CS Collaboration with Industry

In this growing era of technology and advancement, industry in Pakistan is gaining pace to coop with the international standards. The need of the industry is changing rapidly and requires to be fulfilled at equal pace. Industry is always looking up to academia to provide human resources that are capable enough to meet the international standards at work. There is still gap between what is required at industry and what is produced at academia. This gap should be filled in order to make country progress at a stable pace. ORIC at Lahore Leads University is working hard to reduce this gap between industry and academia. For this purpose, ORIC is approaching various industry domains to ask for collaboration. This collaboration with industry will help in understanding the needs and hence will help university produce quality human material required by the industry. ORIC is gathering the information from various departments of the university about the target market where the students of that department will be planning to serve after graduation and then approaches that particular client and asks for collaborations in the form of internships, jobs, research partnerships and various technical joint ventures.
Lahore Leads University

Friday, April 17, 2015


Leads University
Scholarships & financial aid fee waivers are Lahore Leads University. Candidate with strong academic, good performance on standardized exams & extracurricular achievements would be eligible for scholarship awards & financial assistance In addition to this the university considers all aspects of the application so the presentation of the application is also important. awarded to students on the basis of academic merit and need of it All awards will be at the discretion of the scholarship committee of Merit Scholarships are granted to the candidates seeking admission in BS degree programs at the time of admission. Following are the categories in which scholarships are granted Merit Based Scholarship
Merit Scholarship policy for Intermediate students
1. Position holders in BISE Examination: Total Tuition-fee waiver.
 2. 85% or above marks in BISE Examination: 75% tuition fee waiver.
3. 80%-84.99% marks in BISE Examination: 50% tuition fee waiver.
4. 75%-79.99% marks in BISE Examination: 25% tuition fee waiver.

 Merit Scholarship policy for A-Level Students:
1. Three A's in A-Level: 50% Tuition fee waiver.
 2. Two A's in A-Level: 25% Tuition fee waiver.

 Merit Scholarship policy for Diploma holder students:
1. 85% or above marks in Board Examination: 50% tuition fee waiver.
2. 80%-84.99% marks in Board Examination: 25% tuition fee waiver. Kinship Awards

 Brothers and sisters of Alumni as well as current students receive tuition fee waivers depending upon the number of their brothers and sisters who have studied or are currently enrolled in any degree program as followings:
1. Ist Kinship: 20% on Tuition Fee
2. 2nd Kinship: 30% on Tuition Fee
 3. 3rd and above Kinship : 40% on Tuition Fee Discount Policy for Leads Group of Colleges Students 50 % in Tuition Fee Merit Scholarship for students other than Lahore Leads University Based on Percentages:
1. 80% and above marks in BA / BSc / B.Com / MA / MSc or equivalent : 40% tuition fee waiver
2. 70%-79.99% marks in BA/ BSc / B.Com / MA / MSc or equivalent : 25% tuition fee waiver Based on CGPA: 1. CGPA 3.75- 4.0 : 40% tuition fee waiver 2. CGPA 3.50- 3.74 : 20% tuition fee waive


Leads university
Established in 1995 under the patronages of Leads Educator Welfare Trust, a non-profit trust for promoting education throughout the country. The educational trust aims to produce leaders for the nation through comprehensive expansion of individuals by providing quality education, brainstorming activities, experiential learning, ability to analyze thing with different school of thoughts keeping in mind the economic development of the country and for the better future of the nation.

The Trust started its projects in education at all levels, entitled as, Leads School System, Leads Group of Colleges and Lahore Leads University. Lahore Leads University was granted degree awarding status in 22 January 2011. It has created a name for itself in the field of higher education in a short time period. Lahore Leads is one of the fast growing private Universities of Pakistan with diverse disciplines ranging from Business Administration and Engineering to the Arts and Social Sciences. Lahore Leads is a comprehensive University with a reputation for innovative programs and cutting-edge research. 

At both campuses, our faculty, staff, programs, and services team up to provide an extensive range of learning choices and alternatives that offer an unbeatable combination of quality education at the undergraduate, graduate and post graduate levels.
Lahore Leads University