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Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Welcome to Leads Business School

The LBS endeavors to assimilate, create, disseminate knowledge, which will reflect in the contributions that LBS graduates will make to create, sustain and project our nation through economic, ethical, caring and work oriented behaviors without prejudice to gender, social class, religion and caste using merit, equity and justice as their grounding principles. We as abusiness education institute aim to become one of the leading institute in the South Asian region. We will achieve our goals by actualizing strategic partnership with stakeholders including students their parents.

Lahore Leads University

Leads Business School caters to the needs of professionals from various walks of life ,by offering an array of evening and executive programmes. These programmes facilitate working individuals to achieve their career goals with the the flexibility of evening classes.For detailed information about executive/professional proggrammes please follow the link of Programmes on top of the page Or simply Contact Us via email or phone..
Lahore Leads University

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