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Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Mass Communication Of Lahore Leads University 

Department of Mass Communication has been working vigilantly since the establishment of Lahore Leads University. The department aims to provide the country with professionally trained media persons. The offered programs are designed keeping in view to cater the needs of print & electronic media. The University has its own television channel and will start an educational FM radio station very soon. The highly equipped Audio & Video Lab not only enhances student’s skills but also provides them full practical experience. The department has also developed co-curricular & extracurricular activities for its students. Leads Media Society is one of the most active societies at Leads that organizes seminars/ workshops, field trips and entertainment activities on monthly basis. The department has also established a forum, Leads Media Observers that provides an analytical overview of ethical violations on Pakistani Media. It is the first forum of its type in Pakistan.
Lahore leads University

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